Letter size side loaders |
August 19, 2014 |
Steven Crise from Pomona, CA United States
Great product. And it seems that you are the only company offering these types of page protectors. While I almost have up looking for this item on the internet I did eventually find your site and made a purchase. Bu that's the problem, finding your site. Although I made my search on Google very specific, side loading sheet protectors", many other products came up before yours did and none of them were what I wanted. So I had to wade through a lot of junk to find you and almost gave up. I don't have a suggestion on how to get you closer to the top of that type of search but Staples and Office Depot get in the with junk I don't want while keeping me from finding the product I do want from your company. Fix this problem and I think you'd make more sales. Steve Crise
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